No ! I do not want to run away from it. I do NOT want to go, settle in a foriegn country and discuss about the sad state of affairs in India over a glass of Jack Daniels during a weekend party with all my Indian friends.
I live in Hyderabad, so called "Pearl City" ..........the Cyber City of India. But I am saddened every single day when I am driving back home from work. I have to cross through this stretch of road which, needless to say, is in a real battered state after the recent Monsoon showers (Funny.....Monsoon is one natural phenomenon taking place only in this subcontinent which brings joy - sorrow, relief-agony, happiness - pain all at the same time). Roughly a km in length takes me approximately 40-45 mins to cross every single day. Looking at the progress of the flyover being constructed over this very stretch of road which is more like a slow motion movie played over a span of few years, puts me into severe depression. Why should a flyover approx 1 km long flyover take more than 4 yrs to built ?
Here is some food for thought..........
Nagarjuna Dam (largest Masonary Dam in Asia) took 12 yrs (1955 - 1967)
Delhi Airport T3 took 3 yrs,
Empire State Building took 410 days to build between 1930 -1931.........just to name a few.
What does this say about the civic authorities or the state of affairs in India......??? Only that corruption and lack of any quality control is so rampant that it will eventually bring the entire country to a halt.
In my opinion everything is a state of mind.........a state of mind in which we as an individual, as a community , as a state and as a nation have become poisoned with corruption and malpractice. Its a reflection of the fact that the perpitrators can get away with anything in this country, setting an example for more to follow.
It increasingly worries me that in case of any conflict there wouldn't be any civic machinary (law, justice or medical) present in time to rescue me. However at the same time I rest in peace to know that I have figured out the right contacts to get me out of that sticky situation by-passing the very machinary that is put in place to protect me. I, as an educated person, use these tools as an extreme measure but unfortunately most Indians use this by-passing mechanism of "You know who I am??", "I know Mr. X........", "Tell me how much you want" as a normal answer to every situation.
Is this the view of developing India, ready to take the world? Well if that is so........I wonder if I am in a Dream....oops a Nightmare.