The Mumbai terrorist attack has left me quite worried. Though this is the first time that elitist of this country has come face to face to the horrors of terror. But more than the scars of Mumbai attack, what gives me sleepless nights is the Indian system as a whole.
I find that the Political class of India are more scary than the terriorts. When you know your enemy you can device methods to face them effectively. Though our security systems has lapsed big time but these terrorist sought to violence to spread terror and hence can be labled
as known enemies.
But the true enemies of the this country are not these terrorists, but the politicians and the beaurocrates who are governing the nation. There is no point hurling accuses to the governing party, as no matter which party comes to power the situation would remain the same. No
matter whether the minister are from Congress or BJP they are just the same. Its just a matter of co-incidence that it happend in Congress party's rule.
Thanks to the Mumbai attacks security has been beefed up across the nation and across all major cities. Even in my office you can see the enhanced security measures in place. But having done all that do you think that our security forces (except the army and NSG) are equipped
well enough to handle an onslaught of the nature that took place in Mumbai? I guess not ! If a terrorist with the most advanced weaponary (as seen in mumbai) come hurling bullets at you, I am sure even police with their arms will be dwarfed to their might. So technically speaking
we, as citizens of this nation, are completely at the mercy of these terrorist. They can strike anytime and anywhere. Now thats really scary !
What would take to feel secure ????? The politicians of our nation are so shameless that they are on air giving lame excuses for what has happened. And they are also back to their mud-slinging habbits and fighting for power as can be seen happeing for the Maharastra CM post.
I think as a nation and as citizens we have gone too far with the "Chalta hai" attitude.
You break traffic rules......chalta hai,
You get hit by bomb attacks.......chalta hai,
Our politicians try to divide and rule .......chalta hai,
Governments will come and go, they will continue to take political milage against each other with every terrorist attack that take place on this soil. They will continue to enhance the ill-feelings between Hindus and Muslims in this nation. I cannot believe that any religion can ask its followers to be cold hearted and ruthless to an extent that you cease to be a human any more.
When would there be a real change?
A change where you see normal police men and women can afford a decent standard of living. Only then you will you find policemen and women not getting bribed for some extra petty cash. When would our police force , who are our first line of security, have the latest weaponary to take on these terrorist. I only find government & beaurocrats having the latest cell phone, planes, helicopter etc. They have people with latest weaponary to protect them, then why not us? Afterall it is tax payer's money, our money. Sad my money can only buy these useless politicians security and not me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When actual steps are taken to erradicate poverty and illiteracy. An educated and employed individual would not be easily persuaded by the extremist groups that exist today.The government as a whole has not done anything in these lines, only incorporate it in their speeches
that are rendered to the poor citizens of the country during the election season. If all of our politicians had really acted on these issues decades earlier would we had to face such a situtation today.
A change wherein we do not take what anyone might hurl at us. Why do we need to pleed to Pakistan to hand over our convicts and also have to endure their double-standard remarks on our national television. When will India will get aggressive and give a clear message to the
international community that we as a nation cannot be taken for a ride and that not everything is ok here.
A change where our politician are there not for their personal gain or power but to help citizens to prosper in this country, our politicians start thinking of the nation rather than themselves.
Unless we change our political starta entirely there will be no change in the grass-root level, whereby there will be no change to the situation that we are currently in now.
Its sad, but I truly feel that we as citizens of this nation have become so extremely selfish. As long things do not hurt us, it ok. As long the victims of bomb blast are the individuals whose name you would hear only once in ur lifetime during the news telecast, its all ok.
These terrorist attacks has left us with so many disturbing facts about how India is not performing the way it should. Of late with the IT revolution, prosperity has reached homes where it was not was expected, which in turn has taken away our attention from the entire government mechanism which over time has completely rusted, failed and burned out.
Its time now for citizens of this country to come together to make the next change that is so desperately needed.
When would things really change, I wonder ????????????????